Title This: WWE Raw Reaction “Three Divas Matches, Zero Changes”

Triple Threat IC Championship

wwe raw reactionDolph Ziggler, The Miz and Cesaro put on a really good match. Ziggler had most of the offense, connecting on a neckbreaker and a DDT combination and then two DDT’s onto his opponent. Cesaro would work on the leg of Miz and then hit a massive uppercut from the top rope. Ziggler gets into the ring and then hits a superkick and pins Miz. Ziggler retains. 

This looks like the beginning of Dolph Ziggler vs. Cesaro, which I love. Ziggler has a really good personality outside of the ring, which Cesaro can spin off of. The speed and agility of Ziggler will mix well with Cesaro’s precision and power. I just want them to be able to have more than a month of storytelling. The mid card has so much talent and it starts with these two.

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Layla defeated Rosa Mendes

Layla and Rosa are very limited in the match, that is for sure. The focus is on Natalya and Tyson, who seem to be arguing on the outside. Layla locks in a headlock and then punches away at Rosa. Rosa gets thrown to the outside and then Nattie gets into it with Summer. Layla hits a neckbreaker and then picks up the win. 

This was rough. It was choppy and slow, featured more of what was NOT happening on the outside and did nothing for me wanting to watch Total Divas. Do we really care about Natalya? No. Do we care about Tyson Kidd on the outside? No. We all want to see him wrestle. Other than that, keep him and this brutal train wreck off of my television.

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