Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “2014 Match of the Year”

Bobby Roode vs. Kenny King and MVP

impact reactionKing and MVP dominate most of this match. They double team Roode and King hits a big spinning heel kick for a two count. Roode ducks and hits a double clothesline. He drives his knees into MVP and a Side Russian Leg Sweep. They both take Roode to the outside and throw him into the steel steps. King winds up and accidentally hits MVP. Roode fights back and hits some clotheslines. Roode tosses King to the outside, but gets a big boot from MVP. Roode is able to escape an MVP submission move and send him to the outside. 

The finish comes when Bobby Roode is able to hit a Roode Bomb. Lashley comes out and causes the disqualification, which gives Roode the win. Lashley beats down Roode and then hits a big Spear.

This was a very good segment building the championship match in the future. I like that Lashley, without even speaking, took the initiative and spoke with actions. He is a guy that never really needs to speak, much like Brock Lesnar. The only difference is that MVP is no Paul Heyman. Either way, Roode put up a good fight and it did not bury either Kenny King or MVP. If Roode won, it would have been really ridiculous. Thankfully they took the logical route.

WZ 7

Rockstar Spud is not a Loser

Ethan Carter and Spud come out. Carter begins to bash him about being a loser. Spud says that he is not a loser. Carter slaps him multiple times and then Spud finally breaks. He slaps Carter. Ethan Carter fires Spud.

Finally, it is something interesting for Spud. He grows a pair and looks like he belongs in a ring. I just fear that they are going to give him the face win because of how he has been built in the past few months. He has constantly been crapped on and the realistic and predictable route would be for him getting revenge on Carter by beating him. I really hope this does not happen. A guy THAT small beating a guy THAT big?

WZZ 6.5


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