Title This: Impact Wrestling Reaction “2014 Match of the Year”

Full Metal Mayhem Could Be Match of the Year

impact wrestling**The following is from Wrestlezone’s Bill Pritchard, giving the play-by-play last night (There is just so many great spots and moments to repeat what was said last night) :

**Jeff hits a sitout facebuster, then Devon knocks him down before Matt slams Eddie onto a chair and sets up Davey for a bulldog. Eddie whips a chair at him and Davey backdrops Matt through two chairs, then they attack Jeff before Bully hits a diving cutter with assistance from Eddie. They start chopping each other before Devon goes for a Doomsday Device, but Eddie kicks him in the head and he, Matt and Bully end up hitting a Tower of Doom spot. 

He puts a table upside down on the apron, then he tries to legdrop Bully through it but Bully steps away and Jeff crashes through the table. Bully climbs a ladder and Matt chases him, then Eddie follows them up but he gets thrown off the ladder before Matt throws Bully across the ring.


Davey wedges a ladder in the corner before climbing another one, but Matt cuts him off and they exchange punches before Matt hits a Twist of Fate. Matt ends up setting a table up on the floor and rolls Davey on it, then he legdrops Davey from a ladder and crashes through the table. Devon gets a large ladder and climbs it but Eddie cuts him off, then Bully knocks him down and sets up Wazzup but Jeff shoves him off the turnbuckles. Devon crashes through two tables on the floor, then Eddie climbs for the titles but Bully tips the ladder and sends him into the guardrail. Jeff runs in and slams a chair into Bully, then Matt punches Bully and gets him on a table on the floor as Jeff starts climbing for the titles.

Matt sets up a moonsault but Davey crotches him and knocks him down, then he tips the ladder Jeff is on and sends him flying onto Bully, both going through two tables. Davey gets the ladder back into position but Matt cuts him off, and they trade punches at the top of the ladder as Eddie rolls back in. He hits Matt from behind and powerbombs Matt through a table, then Davey pulls both titles down to win the match.**

Wow. Simply wow, what an incredible and amazing finish to this incredible series. This match could have been better than most TLC matches because it was not just big spot after big spot. With a match like this, you tend to see a big spot and down time for about 2-3 minutes. This was wonderful because there was always someone else to keep the pace going. Jeff Hardy explodes off the top and Matt is an incredible performer who continues to showcase what great mental and physical shape he is in. Davey and Eddie deserve to be in the conversation for best tag team in the world. 

I loved the creativity of a table upside down and Jeff crashing through it. That is something I may have never seen and the camera work was perfect. Eddie flying off the ladder was great and more chairs get involved at the right time.Eddie throws Jeff off the tall ladder and he crashes through the tables with Bully Ray. Wow!

If you did not see this, you missed out on one of the best matches of the year, if not the best TLC-esque match ever. The spots were incredible, but the performers never let the story of wanting the championships take a back seat. I applaud these men for the efforts and putting their bodies on the line to entertain. As a fan, I can say that this was spectacular. Congratulations to all of the men involved and thanks for an incredible and insane match that will go down in history as one of the best ever.

WZ 9.5


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. Impact Wrestling Rating:

WZ 7.5





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