Title This: WWE Smackdown Reaction “The Miz is Better Than Ever”

Nikki Bella defeated Naomi

smackdownNikki applies a headlock and Naomi fights out with a armdrag takedown. She hits a dropkick and then a clothesline. She hits another dropkick and the crowd gets behind Naomi. She punches her in the face and Nikki gets hit with the Rear View. Nikki puts her foot on the bottom rope. Nikki rings up Naomi on the top rope and then hits her finisher for the win.

Fast offense from Naomi and a quick recovery from Nikki Bella. I want to note and say that WWE knows that Naomi is much better in the ring. If you watched this match, you saw that. Nikki is more marketable right now and has the right people in her back pocket. After she splits away from her feud with Brie, I wonder what WWE will have her do. Is there anything in store?

WZ 4

Dean Ambrose vs. Kane

The main event sees Kane and Ambrose working at a hard and physical rate. Ambrose punches Kane multiple times and then hits a dropkick. Kane gets sent to the outside and then once again. Ambrose plants himself onto Kane and then Kane reverses him and hits a big boot. Ambrose heads to the top rope and then hits a missle dropkick. He hits a running bulldog for a two count. Seth Rollins grabs Dean Ambrose and tosses him to the outside.

Seth Rollins unloads and Kane helps him. Seth Rollins puts Dean Ambrose’s head onto a chair. Ambrose side steps him and then tries to hit Rollins with a chair. Kane gets back in and Ambrose hits Kane with the chair. The Lunatic Fringe stands tall to end Smackdown.

Nice tease from WWE to let Rollins run away from the Lunatic Fringe. Ambrose needed a little vengeance tonight, as he seems to always be on the defensive. I can see Kane turning his back on Rollins on Raw, similar to what Randy Orton did. We need to think that nobody is going to help Seth Rollins at Hell in a Cell. Then, you can go many ways with it. Would Triple H get involved if Kane and Orton bail? Would they introduce a new member to The Authority? Would Dean Ambrose win clean?

WZZ 6.5


@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 5.5