Go, Team Cena!

survivor seriesLet’s say San Francisco makes it back to the World Series next year. But, by then, new MLB commissioner Rob Manfred owns the New York Yankees, and has assembled an unbeatable team by nefarious means. To ensure victory in the World Series, Yankees henchmen attack Giants stars Madison Bumgarner and Buster Posey, eliminating them from playing.

No suspensions. Approved by the commissioner. Arranged by the commissioner, in fact.

You’d watch that once. Because it’s so ridiculous.

But you’d never watch again.

Bill Watts: Now HE was an authority figure. Heels exploited loopholes and technicalities in Mid-South Wrestling. They cheated to make up for their shortcomings. That’s what heels do. The Cowboy made sure it ultimately came down to a fair fight.

Cena said The Authority thinks Dolph Ziggler will never make it in WWE.

Ziggler is a two-time world champion, a three-time Intercontinental champ, and has also held the U.S. title and the world tag belts. “Never make it”?

Hello, logic? Hello? Is anybody home?

The babyfaces need to win Sunday. They need to win BAD.

The new authority figure’s first act should be cutting Monday Night Raw to two hours. Then, we should never hear from him/her again.

WWE must really want to sell this show. Triple H sold for Cena this past Monday.

That means there’s no way Cena wins.

BTW, I’d like to see Steph strip down, oil up and pose for pics Kim Kardashian style. There’s a legit comparison to be made. Hubba.

Follow Mark on Twitter: @MarkMaddenX