Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Royal Rumble Heats Up on Raw”

Raw Kicks Off With A Bang

wwe rawBrock Lesnar stops Paul Heyman from talking and says Seth Rollins needs to get his ass out to the ring and he appears and business picks up. The Authority’s music hits and out comes Triple H. He says he understands that Brock is upset. Triple H says they all need to calm down and relax. Brock Lesnar asks Triple H if he is here to fix it or fight, as Heyman yells about Triple H paying the bills. Stephanie, Show and Kane make their way out.

Seth Rollins appears on the screen and talks about being a few steps behind. Paul Heyman calls Rollins a child and that The Authority needs to fix this. Out comes John Cena, who talks about spoilers. He says that the fire is burning brighter than ever and bashes both guys. Cena calls them ashe-holes and then Stephanie McMahon says that John Cena is no longer an inspiration. Rollins calls him a loser and nobody wants to cheer a loser or a failure. Triple H says John Cena can get Ziggler, Ryback and Rowan to get their jobs back. If he loses his match tonight, he will lose his opportunity to compete for the WWE World Heavyweight Championship. Triple H leaves it up to the WWE Universe.

The beginning of Raw was a really good segment. The WWE Universe has the opportunity to make the choice. I guarantee that it is rigged, but the WWE Universe will vote yes because either they want to see Ziggler back and/or they want John Cena to lose his spot in the main event. It benefits both worlds. I loved Brock Lesnar speaking, but really wished he was able to get involved physically. WWE needs to be careful. Brock is one of their real “heels.” Fans cheered for him tonight because he spoke what we all know: he kicks ass and takes names. John Cena seemed fired up and in a less cheesy way. I liked it and also thought Seth Rollins was pretty solid. (aside from his small slip up) This makes the main event more interesting. We all know the outcome, but it will at least make the casual fan be invested.

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Bray Wyatt defeated Daniel Bryan

Daniel Bryan gets a chop to the neck, but Bryan hits a high knee to the midsection. Bray ducks to the outside and DB hits a kick. He goes up top and then connects with a cross body. Kane’s music hits and out comes Kane. We head to a commercial break. During the return from break, Wyatt is able to toss Bryan to the outside and takes advantage. Wyatt apples a neck grip and then Bryan fights out of it with some punches. Wyatt unloads with a side body thrust. The pace hits a stalling point with a sleeper hold.

Daniel finally breaks free with a neckbreaker, but Wyatt clotheslines him out of his skin. We get another commercial break. Bray Wyatt continues the assault until Bryan is able to hit a few knees and then a hurricanranna from the top rope. Wyatt powers out at two. Bryan hits a few kicks and then send Wyatt out the top, connecting with a Suicide Dive. Kane trips him up and Wyatt throws Bryan into the second turnbuckle. Wyatt hits Sister Abigail and picks up the win, thanks to Kane’s assist.

Bryan and Wyatt are just so good together in the ring. The match was so smooth, so physical and really critical in the development of Daniel Bryan’s return. If he wins and wins, what is the point of his “underdog” character? Kane continues to be relevant in a big way, thanks to Bryan. I just hope they do not fight against one another at WrestleMania. Excellent match and an excellent first 45-50 minutes of WWE Raw. Bray Wyatt picks up ANOTHER win and I really do feel that WWE is going to go through with The Undertaker and Bray Wyatt. Will it mean as much without the streak? That’s the burning question.

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