Isenberg Reacts: Can TNA Be The Best Wrestling Company Out There?

The Weaknesses

tnaTime: I would never want TNA to try for three hours. EVER. But, it seems like they have so much wasted talent who are not on every show when they need to be. EC3 comes to mind. Austin Aries is another. These guys are too good and too hot to the crowd right now where they should not be wasted on a weekly basis. I am not sure how to solve this, but I really need to see guys like this on the show EVERY…SINGLE…WEEK.

Free: Right now, I would buy every TNA Pay-Per-View, if it was not 50 bucks a month. With the storylines evolving and the really intriguing characters they have developed recently, now would be a perfect time for 6 PPV’s a year. Have Impact utilize your feuds and, occasionally, have championship matches there. You need to go back to having “paid” shows and not focus solely on live attendance, merchandise and events.

Think about it like this: TNA charges $20 bucks for a Pay-Per-View. You get 40,000 people to buy it (estimate) and get 800,000 per event. Tape it and then after, set up another 2-3 weeks of TV tapings. You charge 20-30 bucks a ticket at the gate for the PPV and 2 TV tapings. Any TNA fan would do that. You can profit a few million more (even though you have to license the PPV and other costs involved.) It will not cost them much, especially if they use it as the same deal as a bulk of tapings now. All in all, it would make them money.

Is TNA the best wrestling company out there? No. Are they an alternative to WWE and do things much better than Vince and Company? Yes. As wrestling fans, we should all root for TNA to compete with WWE, not fail.

What are the strengths and weaknesses of TNA for you right now? @JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter.