Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “New Champions Are Needed on Sunday”

wwe smackdownR-Truth Defeated King Barrett

Barrett hits a big kick to start the match and then sends Truth into the ring post. He punches away and then slams down Truth again. Barrett hits a neckbreaker and a two count. Barrett applies a headlock until Truth is able to punch out of it and then gets kicked in the stomach. Barrett taunts the crowd and gets back on the offensive. He goes for the Bullhammer, but Truth rolls him up for a two count. Truth throws Barrett into the corner and hits Lie Detector for the surprise win.

Sheamus comes out and hits a Brogue Kick onto R-Truth and then to Barrett.

I was not a big fan of this match. Barrett completely dominated and Truth hits about 3 total offensive moves to pick up the win. Nobody ever thinks R-Truth will win, so why even have him go over on KING BARRETT?!

Furthermore, I would have loved to see other IC opponents come out and a brawl ensue. Instead of just these three, where is Dolph?

WZ 4.5

Lana talks with Renee Young and she says she is feeling like her emotions took over. She said that she thought he could change and be different, but was wrong. She says that will not happen again and am not a man’s property. Renee asks about Dolph Ziggler and she says he has no relationship with Dolph Ziggler. She says Rusev’s attack on Dolph Ziggler will not stop him from competing on Sunday. Rusev appears and Renee leaves.

Lana asks him what he wants and says he will yell again and throw a temper tantrum. He said he already had his way with Dolph Ziggler. Rusev says Dolph is afraid to show up and he is not bothered. Lana says he has to be even a little bit jealous and Rusev says no. He said Lana diggged her grave and she will rot in it.

Rusev vs. Ryback

The two big men grapple and try to overpower the other. Ryback wraps up Rusev by the waist and Rusev tries to release it. He gets in control now and Ryback powers out and wrenches his arm. Rusev tries to knock over Ryback twice, but Ryback ducks and hits a big kick onto the Bulgarian Brute. Ryback tees him up with some right hands and then slaps his chest. Ryback holds Rusev in the air for about 10 seconds before hitting a suplex. He gets two and Rusev kicks out. Snapmare takedown and then another kick, followed by an elbow to his chest.

Rusev is able to kick Ryback and hit a shoulder block. Rusev continues with kicks into the corner and throws him into the corner and kicks him a few times. Ryback tosses Rusev to the outside and heads to attack. He slams his head into the announce table and then slams Ryback to the floor. We head to a break with both men on the outside. Rusev is in control with a headlock and Ryback punches out of it. Rusev gets run over and kicked down to the mat. Ryback throws Rusev and he twisted his ankle. Rusev throws Ryback into the steel post twice and the ref calls it a disqualification.

Lana speaks backstage and really begins to showcase her raw emotion. She knows how to look, how to speak and when to say it. It seems natural for her to act on camera, something that is not easily learned by other Divas in the WWE. She has a Miss Elizabeth type ordeal going on with her. With this continued split with Rusev, we will get multiple layers of both of these characters. As for the match, Ryback continues to get better in the ring. He has grown leaps and bounds. I notice the little things he has improved on. He is no longer a one trick pony and SHOULD win the Chamber match. He NEEDS the title, but I do not see that happening on Sunday.

WZZ 6.5


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