Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “New Champions Are Needed on Sunday”

Dean Ambrose and Roman Reigns vs. Seth Rollins and Kane

wwe smackdownKane begins by kicking Roman Reigns to the mat and then Seth Rollins gets into the ring and throws him around. Dean Ambrose gets in and tries to get his hands on Rollins, only for J and J to drag him out of the ring before a commercial break.

Back from break and Ambrose is double-teamed by Seth and Kane. Kane applies a headlock and slows down the Lunatic Fringe. Kane drags him into the corner and the champion kicks him a few times on the mat. Dean Ambrose hits Seth Rollins in the mouth with an elbow, but Rollins hits a cheap shot to Reigns and takes down Ambrose. Roman Reigns distracts the referee and both men attack Ambrose. Kane hits a side slam for a two count. Multiple tags and exchanges, as The Authority is in full control of Ambrose. After a few shots, Dean Ambrose is finally able to tag in Roman Reigns. Rollins gets thrown off the top rope and Kane goes up top to stop him. Kane falls and Ambrose kicks him, followed by a Tornado DDT.

Reigns and Rollins get the hot tag. Roman unloads with multiple punches and clotheslines. Roman Reigns hits a Samoan Drop and wants the Superman Punch. Dean hits a flying elbow drop and then takes out Kane. After a series of reversals, Rollins hits Reigns in the stomach and then gets hit with a Superman Punch. J and J Security break up the count and they beat down the faces.

Seth Rollins tries to attack Ambrose, but he clocks him and Kane brings out The New Day to help out The Authority. Roman Reigns jumps over the top rope and takes everyone out. Dean Ambrose hits Dirty Deed onto Xavier Woods and then clotheslines Big E. Kofi gets a Superman Punch in mid air and then Big E gets Speared. Kane comes in and chokeslams Roman. Kane and Rollins attack Ambrose and beat him down to stand tall and end Smackdown on top.

The main event tag team match did not really do much for me in terms of building the match between Dean Ambrose and Seth Rollins. As much as I like Rollins, the match was more about the hot tag to Roman Reigns. WWE needs to be careful with overstocking the main event roster with young guys who aren’t established in terms of longevity. As for Rollins, there is no way he loses on Sunday. Roman Reigns is most likely the front runner for the Money in the Bank briefcase. 

WZ 5.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 6