Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Now Is The Time For EC3”

Taryn Terrell defeated Gail Kim

impact wrestlingThis title match is inside a cage. Gail charges and takes down Taryn before the match begins.  Kim controls the offense with some kicks and Marti Bell grabs her leg, allowing Taryn to throw her hand into the cage to take over.  Taryn taunts and cheers to the crowd, hitting a suplex and some elbow shots. Gail fights back and tries to escape the cage, but The Dollhouse interferes again. She is able to hit a cutter for the win. After the match, they attack Kim and Awesome Kong comes out. The door is locked and Taryn stomps on Gail’s ring finger.

Surprising, this was intelligent. Taryn talks about the husband of Gail, targeting her family and continues to ridicule them. She stomps on the ring finger, a great piece of symbolism to make this more personal. I am not sure that I really remember something so easy and logical being a part of this specific feud. Once again, Taryn continues to be one of the most consistent and entertaining women in wrestling.

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Another Family Feud

James Storm, Mickie James and Magnus continue their feuding. James apologizes to Storm about her fiance and says he was trying to protect his family and future wife. Furthermore, James Storm talks about doing the right things for her and tries to be a friend. He leaves by saying he set up some appointments with musical talents for Mickie. She says she will see him in Nashville.

Another decent outing from the development standpoint of this feud. I still think TNA is going back and forth on who the fans should like and who they should boo. Do we root for the fiance? Do we feel sympathy for the friend? No matter what, the injection of Mickie James back into TNA, even in a non-wrestling related matter, has been very refreshing. TNA just needs to make sure this is different than what they are trying to accomplish with Taryn and Gail. There are similarities and can’t be too many of them moving forward.

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