wwe tough enough splash

WWE Tough Enough Returns, But Where’s the Wrestling!? My Thoughts on This Week’s Season Premiere & Ranking All 13 Competitors


There are three competitors – all men, unfortunately – that really rose to the top of the list on day one. None of them are perfect as each have some qualities that could set them back, but these are the guys that really brought the fight to Tough Enough. 

Tanner: He is one of the smallest guys in the competition, but Tanner put his money where his mouth was every single time. He came in first in the opening challenge by a landslide. In the bodyslam challenge, he claimed he could double everyone else’s scores, and nearly did it. Unfortunately he seems to have a bit of an ego on him, and that clashed with a few of the guys sick of hearing him talk about himself. Still, the point of Tough Enough is to prove you are literally TOUGH ENOUGH, and to bring enough charisma and personality to the table that you impress the judges and the fans – Tanner is really the only person that did everything on day one.

Patrick: Easily the biggest ‘fan’ in the competition. On a show that is so heavily based on the way you look and how strong you are, it’s a breath of fresh air to actually see a guy who seems to know his wrestling product. He was spitting promos from the very start, which could be a great sign of his potential, or it could be really dangerous as he could easily attract too much negative attention.

ZZ: Obviously meant to be a huge character this season, so he’ll probably end up going far. He has a ton of charisma, and he’ll connect with the fans as the underdog. Hopefully he gets a fair shot, as the overly physical aspect of the competition doesn’t usually result in the best all-around pick. That said, his sauna strip is a sexual harassment lawsuit waiting to happen. When he was called up for elimination, he took his lumps, addressed his shortcomings and gave the only explanation out of the three for why he actually deserves to stay.