Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Consistency is Key on Thursday Nights”

Bray Wyatt vs. Dean Ambrose

wwe smackdownSmackdown kicks off, after a Seth Rollins promo, with Dean Ambrose vs. Bray Wyatt. We have seen this match multiple times at the end of 2014, but tonight was a really good battle. It was physical and intense from the beginning. Dean was able to get going offensively and hit a few of his clotheslines. Both men went to the outside and fought around the ring, only for Bray to finally take control and hitting Sister Abigail for the win.

Why would WWE give Wyatt a clean win? It is simple: he has a match at WWE Battleground and Dean Ambrose does not…yet. That is a big problem for me. Dean Ambrose was in your MAIN EVENT less than a month ago at Money in the Bank.

Why does he not have a feud or even a match announced yet? Bray looked really good tonight and a consistent pattern of victories against top talent is what he needs to build his stock back up. He has done yeoman’s work being a guy who does not complain or does not make it public that he is unhappy with his booking. Frustration has to be a feeling he has right now, but he continues to put on impressive matches and unique storylines.

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R-Truth vs. Adam Rose

Three minutes and a ridiculous segment. I was distracted by Adam Rose’s trunks. What the hell kind of design was on there? WWE dropped the ball with him after the E:60 special. He could have easily used some steam there to be much more important.

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