Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “The Invasion Is On!”

The Revolution (Abyss & Manik) vs. The Wolves

impact wrestlingVia WZ Live Coverage:

Abyss and Davey Richards start off as Abyss pushes Richards into the corner with authority.  Eddie is quickly tagged in.  Abyss takes control of him as well, but tags in Manik to help match the speed.  A pair of corner splashes by The Wolves back-to-back on Manik earns them a two-count.  Manik uses the referee to get an advantage for his team as Abyss is tagged back in.  Abyss clobbers Davey in the corner several times before pancaking him with an Avalanche.  Manik is tagged back in and hits an impressive suplex combination for a two-count.  Davey gets the hot tag after struggling for a long time.  Eddie is able to knock Abyss off the apron to stun him long enough for Eddie to unload on Manik with various chops, punches, kicks that lead him into one of his corners.  Eddie brings out Manik on his shoulders for a Backpack Jawbreaker that seems to cripple the masked wrestler.  The Wolves then knock Abyss down in the corner and hit a version of stereo coast-to-coast dropkicks.

James Storm interferes and keeps the match going as he distracts Davey enough for Manik to regain control of the match.  Sheera goes after him and The Wolves are able to capitalize on the advantage by hitting their patented Powerbomb/Backcracker combination.

TNA produces a pretty solid tag team championship match tonight. As much as I question the continued changes of Abyss’ direction, he is still a valuable piece to this company. With many TNA legends leaving, he remains a constant. I think he and Storm make a better tag team, but I understand giving the fast and exciting Manik the opportunity here. Sheera gets involved and gets the upper hand on his former partners.

Continue to build Sheera and have Storm get the better of him for consecutive weeks heading forward. Make Sheera vulnerable before making him a monster. It gives him sympathy to the crowd. He has a generic look, for now, but some changes could make him more intriguing as the weeks go on. I am for him continuing his feud with a veteran and established guy like James Storm. It just makes sense.

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-The Dollhouse adds Rebel to their ground, attacking Brooke after her match with Velvet Sky. Rebel is very similar to Jade and Marti, though. She is cut from that same “indy” cloth and might get lost in the shuffle. It is hard to keep adding women to a group when Taryn is just head and shoulders better than them.

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