Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Promote Jeff Hardy!”

TNA Against Eric Young

impact wrestlingThe show kicked off with members of the TNA roster, Dixie Carter and Eric Young. She talks about how he turned his back on the company and sided with GFW during the invasion. He talks about his iron clad contract and then gets ridiculed by Carter. This turns into a Lumberjack Match against Chris Melendez.

Melendez finally gets his revenge on Young after a pretty solid match. I liked how they let him get the offense and let Melendez control most of the action. Yes, EY really sold for a guy who has one leg, but it was not TOO much.

I think Eric Young is one of the best heels in wrestling. He is so naturally disliked in his role and you really feel how much he can disrespect someone. The growth and maturity of his character is stunning and this is a great example of such a fan favorite going 180 degrees and making something unique and different. Natural heat. He is really solid.

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Knockouts Action

Gail Kim defended her Knockouts Championship against Jade in an average match. I am not the biggest Jade fan and still do not get why Taryn is taking somewhat of a backseat, but whatever.

The Beautiful People are back. The Dollhouse is back. Gail Kim is by herself and Awesome Kong continues to be her own woman. So many pieces are moving and so many women are getting an opportunity to be something in TNA, but is it too much?

I love Gail Kim as champion. She is the John Cena of champions, doing it for so long and helping the young women get some much needed exposure. She is selfless and really knows how to sell. I think TNA needs to focus on everyone EXCEPT Kong, unless she becomes your champion. If you do not have plans for Kong being champion, what are you trying to accomplish? Kong needs NO help to get over. Her size and stature get her over. I can’t say that about anyone else.

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