Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “New Day Needs A New Champion”

Six Divas Tag Team Match

wwe rawBoth teams cut some really good promos before the match, utilizing Boston and New York’s rivalry. Naomi kicks Nikki to the mat and then a big leg drop. Sasha gets the tag and hits some knees to her stomach. Nikki kicks out quickly and Nikki gets thrown into the corner with some kicks. Brie gets tagged in and begins to throw her around the ring. Team BAD throws Team Bella to the outside and we head to a commercial break. 

Alicia gets into the mix, hitting a fisherman’s suplex. Brie comes in and kicks her a bunch of times, but Naomi fights back and Alica gets a tag and kicks her in the stomach. The pace is really slow and Naomi is lost on the wrong side of the ring. Fox misses a splash into the corner and Sasha gets the tag. She takes out the three men, hits a dropkick and the crowd gets behind her. She drives her knees into Fox for a two count. Tamina hits a superkick, Naomi hits a Rear View and Sasha hits a back stabber into the Bank Statement for the win. 

Team BAD really needed this win tonight. The match was focused solely around Sasha Banks, which it should. She is the most developed character in the division and her time is to come. I cannot wait to see her against Bayley at NXT. This could be the best Divas match in history. Let’s hope it lives up to the expectations. 

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Rusev and Summer Rae Want Gold

Summer Rae has a special video package for Rusev, which ends in a sweet way for them. Summer Rae talks about her feelings and Rusev says he hated her at first, but could not feel this way about anyone else. 

Summer Rae ends up proposing to Rusev. Yes…Summer Rae proposed. Rusev said he will marry her and put a ring around her finger when a championship is around his waist.

Well, I can honestly tell you that this was EXTREMELY random. I am not completely against it, but I am just so confused about this pairing and especially that Dolph Ziggler seemingly has moved on to another feud without finality with Rusev. How many times do weddings in WWE have to happen? I feel like it HAS to happen every 2-3 years. Will it work? History does tend to repeat itself. 

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