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Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “Who Is Ready: Owens or Ambrose?”

Natalya defeated Tamina Snuka

wwe smackdownThe story of this match took place before. Sasha and Naomi were bickering about who is the leader of the team. They all agree that they need to take out Natalya, so Tamina gets a crack at her.

Well, Tamina misses a splash from the top rope and ends her night in the loss column. It looks like WWE is beginning to slowly separate Sasha Banks from Naomi and Tamina. GREAT IDEA!

It should not be rocket science on how to book Sasha Banks. She is EXCELLENT. One of the best overall talents in the company is being held back because there was such an influx of new talent with WWE still trying to hold onto the “older” talent. Let Sasha be her own woman. There is not a need for her or Paige to be aligned with ANYONE. It stunts her development to the main roster and to the Divas Championship.

WZ 5


Dean Ambrose vs. Kevin Owens

Results via WZ Live Coverage

Lock up, they trade side headlocks as Kevin Owens tells Dean Ambrose his headlock is better. Off the ropes and a shoulder block by Owens. Ambrose with arm drags, and Owens bails to the floor. Back from the break and Ambrose with another arm drag, and then works the arm. Owens works to his feet and connects with forearm and chops. He yells at Ambrose, who fires back with some chops. Off the ropes and a cross body and rights by Ambrose. He then clotheslines Owens to the floor, and follow him out. Ambrose slams Owens to the barricade, and then slides him back in the ring. Ambrose up top and Owens cuts him off, and he then stuns Ambrose off the ropes. Back to the floor and Owens slams Ambrose to the barricade a few times to get some payback. Back in the ring and Owens gets the running senton, and covers for two count. Owens lock in the chinlock and talks trash to Ambrose.

Ambrose works to his feet, but Owens then hits a gutbuster and covers for two count. Owens now heads up top and tells Lawler to watch this, but Ambrose cuts him off and climbs. Ambrose with rights and then hits the superplex. Ambrose runs wild a bit and hits the tornado DDT, and that gets two count. Ambrose up top now, and connects with the elbow drop to a standing Owens, and that gets two count. Owens then counters dirty deeds, and then Owens hits a catatonic variation for two count. Owens is frustrated now, sets Ambrose up top and talks shit and then slaps him. Ambrose head butts him and Ambrose then hits a missile dropkick. Rights and chops by Ambrose now, off the ropes and Owens hits the hot shot. Ambrose is able to counter the pop up powerbomb, and connects with a jawbreaker lariat. He boots Owens and looks for dirty deeds, but Owens claims Ambrose kicked him in the balls and the ref rings the bell. After the match Ambrose hits a big dive onto Owens and then another. They brawl at ringside and Owens bails through the crowd. 

This was an excellent contest between two scrappy and tough wrestlers. If you like Owens, you tend to like Ambrose. Both guys connect with the crowd in a natural way, simplifying their character and having a more realistic and attitude feel. At the end of the night, my biggest question would be “who should step up and become champion?” These are two popular options and one of them should take over instead of Roman Reigns. Watch this match and you will easily understand why both men could be ready for the top prize. Both men are primed right now. Who is better suited RIGHT NOW?

WZ 7.5

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE Smackdown Rating:

WZ 5




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