roman reigns
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Isenberg Reacts: WWE TLC “Are You Ready…For Roman Reigns?”

A Championship Win That Speaks Volumes

wwe tlcDean Ambrose picked up a win and the WWE Intercontinental Championship over Kevin Owens in a really good match. It had no “extreme” stipulation and was really stripped down to good in-ring storytelling and even better facial expressions. It was the little things that made this match interesting to me. The win shows you what direction WWE wants to go with both men.

Kevin Owens is more of a “prize fighter”, a much smaller version of Brock Lesnar. The title does not do much for him, so why would you keep it on him? Mark my words: His match at WrestleMania will be much more meaningful now that he is not IC Champ.

Dean Ambrose is a great mid-card guy with a strong following. He is a more fresh and interesting Dolph Ziggler, where Ziggler was a few years ago as US Champion. Dean has not stepped out and become different than what he was in The Shield. He is still really good, but this title justifies his spot in the company. I thought this was the absolute right call at TLC.

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An Empire Being Built

Roman Reigns vs. Sheamus headlined WWE TLC. The match itself had some really nice spots, but nothing we have not seen from a TLC match before. As Roman Reigns takes out Sheamus, he heads to the top and tries to grab the title. Alberto Del Rio and Rusev come down and grab his leg. Roman battles them off and goes up top again, but is dragged down and met with a Brogue Kick which spills him to the outside. Sheamus climbs the ladder and captures the championship.

After the match, The League of Nations (excluding Barrett for some reason) celebrates in the ring. Roman spears all three men and unleashes hell. He beats each man down over and over with a steel chair until he gets just Sheamus. At this point, Triple H comes down and tells him to stop. Well, that did not happen. Reigns hit a Superman Punch and then a spear. He grabs the chairs and beats the hell out of The Game. His anger spills out and really lets loose. He hits a powerbomb on the table and then sends Triple H through the announce table. He walks away, but sprints back and hits a Spear on Triple H one last time.

I never thought losing a match where the title is on the line could benefit a guy this much tonight as it did with Roman Reigns. We all remember how much of a badass he was in The Shield, but that was somewhat taken away earlier this year. It also didn’t help him when Brock picked WWE over UFC, something that made every wrestling fan happy. Tonight was the beginning on an empire. Roman had his biggest moment to date here and the crowd was completely behind him. I really hope Philadelphia, the site of Raw tonight, does not go back to what they did just about a year ago. That could stall this excellent night from the very beginning. I do not think it will happen, especially since a very hostile Boston crowd was fully behind him.

It humors me when WWE goes back to what made Roman the most likable guy in The Shield. No jokes, just kicking some… yeah. Good for Roman tonight and good for WWE finally getting him back to where he should be. Triple H vs. Roman Reigns? I can get into that. The seeds have been planted for months.

WZ 8

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE TLC Rating:

WZ 7


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