Isenberg Reacts: Impact Wrestling “Slow Build For Matt and Jeff Hardy Is Best”

X-Division Championship

impact wrestling

Tigre Uno defended his championship against Mandrews and DJ Z in a high-flying, exciting and enteraining match. Springboard suplexes, atomic drops, flying dropkicks and so much more gave us the action expected in a championship match for this title. DJZ with a Tornado DDT to Uno. DJZ with the Frankensteiner to Mandrews for a two count. Uno with a Moonsault Slam off the top rope to Mandrews to grab the win.

We know what to expect. We expect talented guys in the ring to give us a fun match. When will TNA realize that these could be so much better when you have specific characters chasing the title. Where is the storyline? Where is the reasoning DJ Z and Mandrews got opportunities at this title? If you really want to push this bigger and higher, let them get more in-depth OUTSIDE of the ring. It will only help the fans connect to your stars and your product. With Shane Helms challenging him, this could be a sign of bigger names coming for Tigre Uno.

WZZ 6.5


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