Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown “AJ Styles Needs Gold”

Who Are The Social Outcasts?


The New Day takes on the three members of The Social Outcasts. The match was more comical than anything and I was entertained. I am not sure what the hell to think of the Social Outcasts. They are heels one week, faces the next. Is Big Show in this group too? Seriosuly, WWE has no clue what to do with them and it shows. They are talented guys and could be something entertaining on a weekly basis, but they are booked by blind mice. We need to know what the hell to do when we see them.

WZ 4.5

Charlotte vs. Alicia Fox

Charlotte and Alicia get started with the champion appling a headlock and then some punches and kicks to the midsection. Fox hits a back elbow drop and then Charlotte hits a nice looking neckbreaker from the second rope. Both women exchange more offensive moves and then Fox hits a sunset flip for a two count. Some more offense, including her beautiful Northern Lights Suplex for two. Charlotte is able to chop block her and apply a Figure Eight for the win.

Charlotte does such a good job working the crowd these days. Cheap shots, hits and moves are really getting some heat from the crowd. Alicia is an underrated talent in the ring and she paired off relatively well tonight. The speed and the timing was really good and Brie’s “partner” took the understood loss tonight. Again, this is a placeholder until after WWE Fastlane. Good work either way.

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Next: AJ Styles needs gold to shine brighter…


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