Top 10 WWE Smackdown Episodes of All Time

  1. Eddie Guerrero vs John Cena, September 11, 2003

This was a highly unorthodox bout. It was inspired by Cena’s theft of Latino Heat’s low rider. Superstars faced each other in the Parking Lot Brawl, surrounded by cars which they used and abused. Cena’s skull was smashed with slammed doors, windshield wiper fluid was sprayed in his eyes, and even got burned by a cigarette lighter. Eddie didn’t fare much better, his body used like a crash-test dummy, tossed through windshields, and bashed onto a car hood by Cena’s superbly-executed delayed vertical suplex. Even Eddie’s match-winning Frog Splash delivered from the roof of a van onto Cena who was on the hood of another car, proved that the fight was highly entertaining. That was pure Smackdown-style wrestling feast for the fans.