Isenberg Reacts: WWE Payback “A New Era, Another Attitude Era?”

Tag Team Tournament Finals


Enzo and Gotch start off with some technical ground moves, but English and Cass get going. Cass hits some chops in the corner. Cass throws Enzo into English and then a suplex to take him down. English kicks out at two and then punches Gotch. Gotch throws Amore to the outside and then Gotch continues the assault. Enzo gets thrown into the ropes and the match is called. 

They show him getting carted off and this was serious. I have no idea what to say to this because it really looked serious at the end. It is hard to rate something this abrupt and I wish nothing but the best for his health. He is such a talented guy and I really hope that this is not career threatening. A shocking and extremely troubling beginning to the show. 

No rating.

Kevin Owens vs. Sami Zayn

Both men go back and forth with strikes to the face, back and forth. Owens hits a big knee and then gets thrown to the outside and hits a Senton Splash.  Owens is whipped into the barricade and Sami takes the upper hand. He gets hung up on the ropes and then a nice kick for a one count. KO throws him into the steel steps and then throws him again while he taunts the crowd.  Sami hits the Blue Thunder Bomb for a two count. The pace goes back and forth for both men.

Kevin Owens hits a nice maneuver and then heads up the top, hitting a Frog Splash for a two count. He hits a huge clothesline and then a cannonball into the corner. He goes back and does it again, trying to hit his finisher. Zayn hits a dropkick and then an inverted suplex into a clothesline. Both men hit another right hand and Owens goes low. Zayn counters and gets a close count. He kicks him and tries a DDT, but Owens drops him right on his knee. On the apron, they exchange more blows and more elbow shots. Kevin gets hit with a backdrop on the apron, sending the former IC Champion to the outside. He runs through the second rope and hits a DDT. He sets up Owens for another big move, but hits him with a Superkick and a Pop-up Powerbomb for the win. He tosses Sami to the outside and then yells at Byron Saxton to interview him. 

This is what you expected from both men. What an excellent match between two guys who know each other inside and out. The moves hit perfectly, the drama was there and you really had no idea who was going to win until the very end. For Zayn, it shows he can battle with the best of them to a general crowd. Kevin Owens continues to improve and get more important after dropping the IC title. Bigger and better things for both men, but I do think we get another match at Extreme Rules. Put some hardcore pieces for Sami Zayn to get a victory under his belt. This is too good to be a one off. 

WZ 8.5


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