Photo Credit: WWE

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Raw “Randy Fires The First Shot”

Sasha, Charlotte, Jericho and Enzo

wwe raw 2016

Sasha Banks comes out and talks about becoming WWE Women’s Champion. She is interrupted by Charlotte, in which they make fun of the other. A few one night stand digs and then out comes Chris Jericho. He backs Charlotte, not understanding why Sasha is called the boss. Enzo Amore comes out and hits some great lines to take down Chris Jericho verbally. He flirts with Banks and then him and Jericho hit it off back and forth. Mick Foley makes a mixed tag team match to kick off Raw.

The match kicks up after the commercial break, with Enzo and Jericho spilling to the outside. Hot tags to the women, with Banks hitting some big moves and then slapping Chris Jericho. Charlotte uses the distraction to hit a Natural Selection for the win. This was a really good mixed tag team match and helped push the Women’s Championship match at SummerSlam. You rarely see a mixed tag team match enhance a feud for women, but this was a solid 35 minutes to kick off Raw. You gave enough time to push the limits and give Charlotte a much needed win. There was no way the faces win tonight, so logic wins here. Entertaining for the first 35 minutes is a success in my book.

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Braun Squashes Again

Prior to the match, Byron Saxton talks to Strowman’s opponent, who says he gets a thousand dollars to fight Braun, which is why he is fighting him. He tries to escape and gets launched across the ring by Strowman. Braun then throws him across the ring and then hits a reverse chokeslam for the win.

Two weeks and two squashes. I like his new look, but rid of the Wyatt looking pants. If you are going to go full new character, give him a completely different look. The guy could be good, but again it is way too early to tell. I will give it time, but not much time. Squashes do not connect with the crowd on a weekly basis, consistently.

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