Isenberg Reacts: WWE RAW “Clash of Champions Part Two”

Charlotte’s Queendom


While Bayley picked up an easy win on RAW, the focus was on Charlotte and Sasha Banks again. Charlotte talks about being the best, beating the best and continuing her dominance on PPV’s. Sasha says she did not get pinned and still have her rematch opportunity. Charlotte grants it to her, for next week on RAW. With that being said, why are we getting this title match next week? Where is the development, giving us more unique stories instead of two women bickering over who should be champion. I would rather see them build towards a match, having fillers with Dana and Bayley along the way. Sometimes less is more and this situation needs to be built over a period of time. Stop rushing championship matches.

Next week will end in a count-out, Disqualification or No Contest. I highly doubt Sasha loses clean or she wins the title again on RAW.

WZ 5.5

The Kevin Owens Show

It was not hard to do tonight, giving the champion the final 25-30 minutes of time. But, with Seth Rollins banged up, who would step up? Enzo and Cass, to a roaring ovation, stepped up big time and put on a really solid main event. We knew they would not beat Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens, but they continued to impress in the ring and really grow. They are more than a one trick pony, with Cass being a guy who is more athletic than first thought. Tonight showcased their ability to continue to be over. Win, loss or draw means nothing right now to the crowd who thirst to see Enzo and Cass and, more importantly, hear them.

As for the champion, Kevin Owens and Chris Jericho are must see. Their chemistry in the ring and on the microphone is second to none right now. I think there can be big money in an Owens vs. Jericho match down the road, but WWE is rolling with a veteran and one of their most consistently good heel in Kevin Owens.

I wonder what WWE will do at Hell in a Cell. Mick Foley might throw Chris Jericho and potentially someone else to make it a Fatal Four Way. This way, more talent are getting opportunities and you can begin to plant the seeds of Chris Jericho and Kevin Owens turning on one another. Either way you see it, there is not a better act than these two men.

WZ 7.5

How do you rate RAW tonight? It was a better version of Clash of Champions, right? The only thing missing was a Seth Rollins match. Also, there was not two or three straight meaningless segments, which kept my interest away from their television competition.

@JoshIsenberg4 on Twitter. WWE RAW Rating:

WZ 7


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