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Isenberg Reacts: WWE NXT “Bring Back Nakamura As Soon As Possible”

The Authors of Pain defeated The Bollywood Boyz


Two completely different teams. AoP are heavyweights, weighing in at 300 pounds a piece while you have brothers who just completed their time in the Cruiserweight Classic. This match showcased more dominance and power for the Authors of Pain, but we did get more than 1-2 moves. Hell, we got about 5 different moves en route to a victory for the big men. Again, there is not much to really note aside from them continuing to be protected so much that you begin to wonder if they are going to be something more than this in the ring. It has been a few months and we continue to get very little production in the ring and outside of it. When will we find out of they are actually good talent in the ring?

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Rich Swann defeated Patrick Clark

The flamboyant Rich Swann and Patrick Clark did battle on NXT in a pretty good match. Rich Swann front flips over Clark and connects with a dropkick. Clark stumbles to the corner and gets hit with a few chops to the chest. Patrick Clark moves out of the way of another corner attack and then Swann backflips over Clark. Clark grabs him and takes him down with an impressive spinebuster for a two count. He slows down the pace with a chin lock and works on his neck. Swann battles out of it, hits a Swann kick and then a handspring moonsault for the victory. Rich Swann picks up the win and looks impressive in doing so.

I liked this match because it was simple. They just let two athletes go out and do their thing for a certain amount of time. When you look at both men, you can see Rich Swann oozes with charisma and will definitely be a guy that can make an impact on WWE RAW and the Cruiserweight Division. For now, I am alright with these guys working NXT and RAW, but they really need to stop saying how RAW is the only place to see these guys. It makes no sense to me when they try to brand it like that only to see half of them on Wednesday nights.

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