Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “AJ Saves Smackdown”

The Eater of Worlds Baths in Ashes


The WWE World Champion interrupts a promo from Randy Orton, saying that he is all by himself for the first time ever. He is kneeling at the ashes of Sister Abigail and then uses those ashes to bathe himself in them. His face is covered in the ashes, as the segment ends. Randy Orton looks confused and slightly intimidated.

I was expecting to say he is still not alone and Erick Rowan appears. It could have been nice to get some physicality tonight between ANY of the important and confirmed WrestleMania men’s matches. Erick Rowan is a piece of the story that could help Bray Wyatt when he is not wrestling. He is not the best wrestler, but his physicality and look could help this feud from just straight talking.

 With a lack of matches tonight, I began to wonder if we will see Bray Wyatt in a match before Orlando. I would like to see something or anything in the ring with him, but I doubt that happens. As you can tell, tonight is all words and little action. Protecting them is hurting this show. The promos are always good and captivating, but I just want to get a taste of some actual wrestling tonight. Lastly, can we at least see the WWE World Championship title on the screen? 

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Dolph Ziggler vs. Mojo Rawley ends in a count out. Rawley tosses Ziggler over the ropes a few times to show he can lift a 200 pound guy. I expect Dolph Ziggler to be added to the battle royal contest at WrestleMania 33. Smackdown Live could have desperately used a solid 10-15 minute match with a guy who went from a championship match at SummerSlam to being in a Battle Royal on the big stage. Wow.

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Tag Team Main Event

Thanks to terrible flow and timing of Smackdown Live, The Uso’s and American Alpha got a main event spot. Well, kind of. They had a bout that lasted about 7 minutes and saw The Uso’s hit a superkick and pick up the win. Is this all of the time you are going to give two extremely talented guys? I am so perplexed by the build and development of American Alpha, as WWE could care less about getting them the right exposure. Also, a heel team of Jimmy and Jey is great. They look and act the part. Please, for the love of God, give them an actual freaking segment to tell ANY kind of story. You threw them in the main event and had everything overshadowed by Shane McMahon. I get it, Shane/AJ is THE match you want to promote, but do it at the expense of someone else.

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