kevin owens
(Photo by JP Yim/Getty Images)

Isenberg Reacts: WWE Smackdown Live “Shakeup = Kevin Owens Live”

Nakamura Shows Off Dolph Ziggler


The NXT legend started his Smackdown Live career by interrupting The Miz. With The Miz on WWE RAW, enter Dolph Ziggler. We are going to get Shinsuke Nakamura facing Dolph Ziggler for his first feud. I am alright with this, but I do want to try and compare Shinsuke Nakamura with Finn Balor. When Balor came to the main roster, he defeated some pretty big names on WWE RAW en route to becoming the first WWE Universal Champion. He immediately became a star and important even to the casual fan.

Should WWE have gone this route with Shinsuke Nakamura? I really think him and Ziggler will be good for the time being, but I would have pushed him to a top level. I am not saying you need him to become champion, but giving him someone like Kevin Owens, AJ Styles or Randy Orton to feud with first makes him feel that much more important. For fans who do not watch NXT, this lets them know that this guy is for real.

Look at Kevin Owens, who started with John Cena. AJ Styles started with Chris Jericho. It is hard to argue that Shinsuke Nakamura was not WWE’s most intriguing signing  over the past 5 years. So, why would you put him with Dolph Ziggler, one of my favorites but who has declined since his forgettable World Championship match at SummerSlam.

Personally, I am much more interested in Shinsuke Nakamura on Smackdown than I am with Finn Balor on WWE RAW. Both are stellar and will be successful, but WWE needs to make sure they do not wait too long to push Nakamura to the main event (or very close) level. When you book him with important people, fans immediately understand how important he is.

WZ 6