Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Natalya’s 5 Best Matches

Natalya’s 5 Best Matches
Photo Credit: Getty Images

#4.) Natalya vs AJ Lee – Main Event 2014

It was March of 2014 and for some reason, Natalya was challenging AJ Lee for the Divas Championship on Main Event, of all shows. Either way, it wasn’t too often that a crowd was hot for Divas matches, but they knew a good one when they saw it.

Nattie and AJ Lee had fantastic chemistry together. The crowd rallied for Natalya to win and went unglued when she had her locked in a Sharp Shooter. Unfortunately for the crowd, it wasn’t meant to be as the then-longest reigning Divas Champion managed to escape thanks to Tamina in her corner. She would lock Nattie with a Black Widow to retain the title.


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