trish stratus
Photo Credit: Bill Pritchard

Trish Stratus’ 5 Greatest Moments

Trish Stratus’ 5 Greatest Moments
(Photo by Jason Merritt/Getty Images for Spike TV)

#3.) Passing the torch

Every great wrestler has a peak and a period where they start slowing down and phasing out. It’s unfortunate but inevitable. This leads to them passing the torch to someone younger and deserving of the rub. At the time, no one was more deserving than Mickie James.

A bizarre angle between the two saw Mickie James play an obsessive stalker. They would have an incredible clash at WrestleMania 22, which is considered by many to be the greatest Women’s match at WrestleMania at that time. It would take ten years for the women to top it at WrestleMania.

A shocking moment at the end of the match saw Mickie James defeat Stratus, with the legend officially passing the torch to James. Mickie James would go on to hold multiple championships in the years to come.

Next Page: Trish Stratus’ 5 Greatest Moments


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