Worst 5 WCW Halloween Havoc Matches

Buff Bagwell vs David Flair [WCW - Halloween Havoc]

2. Buff Bagwell vs. David Flair in a First Blood DNA Match

This ridiculousness was at the height of Vince Russo nonsense with overbooking and an absolutely absurd storyline.

You see, David Flair’s on-air fiancee Stacy Keibler was pregnant with someone else’s child and the thinking was that Buff Bagwell was the father. But to prove it, Flair squared off against him in this First Blood Match in hopes of getting a DNA sample to prove that Buff Daddy was, in fact, the daddy.

Quite the foolish premise but luckily, the match lasted on five (bad) minutes with Bagwell scoring the win. But after the match, Lex Luger came to the ring and attacked Bagwell who began bleeding from the mouth with Flair able to get his sample after all.

Next page: Worst 5 WCW Halloween Havoc matches


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