john cena
Photo Credit: STRINGER/AFP/Getty Images

5 WWE Superstars John Cena Needs To Put Over In 2019

Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

#4.) Braun Strowman

Braun Strowman is one of the characters who for some reason, WWE is hesitant to pull the trigger on. He became a top star on RAW soon after the 2016 brand split, and his popularity led to an organic face turn. When it was time to strike the iron while it was hot, WWE chose not to, and instead just kept Strowman as a superstar who chases the Universal Championship.

The sad reality is that it’s very unlikely that Strowman will win the title this year as well. If he does, it won’t be until the later period of the year. Strowman and Cena clashed once, but that ended in a screwy finish, leaving the door open for another bout. This time, Strowman should face and squash Cena in a one-sided affair.

Next Page: 5 WWE superstars John Cena needs to put over in 2019