ultimate warrior

The Ultimate Warrior’s 5 Greatest Moments

Photo Credit: Wikimedia Commons

#4.) Return at WrestleMania VIII

Ideally, Randy Savage vs Ric Flair should have been the match that main evented WrestleMania VIII, but due to Hogan’s star power and Warrior’s pending return, the decision was made to have Hogan vs Sid Justice main event WrestleMania VIII. It ended in a screwy DQ finish, much to the disappointment to fans.

One must remember that after the summer of 1991, Warrior was suspended by the company after disagreements on his payments, among other things. With Hogan set to make an exit in 92′, Warrior was contacted to return, and after the main event of WrestleMania VIII, he returned to save Hulk Hogan from Justice and Papa Shango’s attack. It was a big return. Not a long-lasting one, but an iconic WrestleMania moment nevertheless.


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