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Five Wrestlers That Didn’t Have As Much Success With Paul Heyman As An ‘Advocate’

Curtis Axel
Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

#4.) Curtis Axel/Michael McGillicutty

Michael McGuillicutty is wrestling royalty purely by the fact that he is the son of Mr. Perfect. Keen to cement his own legacy, Paul Heyman announced him as his newest client before the summer of 2012. His success was instant was he quickly became the Intercontinental Champion.

However, his alliance with Heyman was seemingly just to further another storyline with Punk and WWE didn’t take it too seriously in the first place. The alliance was quietly dissolved and Axel would go back to have a mid-card career. He didn’t really reach those heights afterward.

Next Page: 5 Paul Heyman Guys Who Didn’t Have As Much Success With Him