Vince McMahon WWE RAW
Photo Credit: Alpha Entertainment

Vince McMahon’s 5 Greatest Moments In WWE

Vince McMahon’s 5 Greatest Moments In WWE
Photo Credit: “TrumpMania: Vince McMahon, WWE and The Making Of America’s 45th President”; Available now on Amazong

#3.) Vince McMahon gets his head shaved 

Despite the fact that WrestleMania 23 had some incredible marquee matches such as John Cena vs Shawn Michaels for the WWE Championship, Undertaker vs Batista for the World Heavyweight Championship and more, the match that truly brought mainstream attention was the Battle of the Billionaires between Donald Trump and Vince McMahon.

Then a babyface, Trump had up-and-comer Bobby Lashley representing him while McMahon had Umaga representing him. To top it off, “Stone Cold” Steve Austin was the special guest referee. The match itself was quite an entertaining one, with it filling all the criteria for a perfectly dramatic WrestleMania showdown.

As per the stipulation, the losing Billionaire would have his head shaved and after Lashley was successful, he, Trump and Austin would shave McMahon’s head in an unforgettable WrestleMania moment.

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