Who Are The Top Five Amateur Turned Pro Stars In ROH Today?

Who Are The Top Five Amateur Turned Pro Stars In ROH Today?

Amateur wrestlers don’t always fit into the world of pro wrestling the way that some people think that they may, but it cannot be denied that there is quite the Hall of Fame lineage of those who have gone from amateur to pro and been able to grasp the entertainment values of pro wrestling and put it into one dynamic package. Names like Kurt AngleBret Hart, Bob Backlund, and Jack Brisco immediately spring to mind for me.

In the world of Ring Of Honor, pure wrestling is the name of the game and therefore you would think that those who really enjoy the competitive aspect of amateur wrestling will be able to flourish in a company that thrives on athleticism and ability. just posted the latest edition of The Five Count chronicling the top five amateurs turned pro wrestlers in the company today. The list shakes out like this:

5. Hurricane Helms
4. Cody Rhodes
3. Josh Woods
2. Dalton Castle
1. Jeff Cobb

To read the full list on the website including a breakdown of why these men land at the spots that they do, click HERE.

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