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NJPW Road To Power Struggle (10/17) Super Jr. Tag League Continues

FIFTH MATCH: Super Jr. Tag League Match: ACH & Ryusuke Taguchi (0) vs. The Firing Squad (Taiji Ishimori & Robbie Eagles) (2)

Taguchi and Eagles start the match. They lock up. They trade wristlocks. Eagles gets the better of Taguchi and wrenches on Taguchi’s arm. Taguchi gets to the ropes.

Eagles pummels Taguchi. Eagles hits a Thrust Kick. Eagles hits a backflip dropkick. Taguchi calls for a timeout. ACH tags in. Ishimori tags in.

They dodge each other’s offense. Ishimori shoots at ACH but ACH catches the bullet and throws it away. ACH hits a huge hip attack on Ishimori. Ishimori slides to the outside. ACH misses a dive to the outside. Ishimori beatsdown ACH. They brawl into the crowd.  Ishimori slides ACH back in the ring. Ishimori covers for two.

Eagles tags in. Eagles hits a drop toe hold. Ishimori hits a sliding leg drop. Eagles gets a nearfall but Taguchi breaks it up.

Eagles hits a standing knee drop. Ishimori tags in. Both men work overs ACH’s leg. Ishimori corners ACH and continues to dominate. Eagles tags in.

Eagles works over the legs. ACH fights back. ACH hits a low superkick. Taguchi tags in.

Taguchi hits multiple hip attacks. Taguchi hits a Reverse DDT/DDT combo on Eagles and Ishimori. Taguchi covers Eagles for two.

Taguchi hits Three Amigos. Taguchi covers for two. Taguchi misses a springboard hip attack. Taguchi hits a thrust kick. Taguchi hits a gutbuster. Eagles dodges Bomaye Hip Attack. Eagles hits a sliding elbow. Ishimori tags in. ACH tags in.

They trade blows. ACH hits a double stomp. ACH covers Ishimori for two.

Ishimori blocks a Deadlift German Suplex. They trade chops. ACH counters a Handspring Enziguri with a Deadlift German Suplex for two.

ACH climbs to the top rope. ACH misses a diving body splash. Ishimori hits an enziguri. Ishimori hits a German Suplex. Ishimori covers but Taguchi breaks the pin.

Eagles and Ishimori double team ACH. Eagles hits a low-tiger-feint-kick. Ishimori hits sliding double knees but Taguchi breaks the pinfall.

Eagles dives onto Taguchi at ringside. ACH blocks a gutwrench. Ishimori blocks Tombstone. ACH blocks Tombstone. Ishimori counters with a Tombstone Double Knees for two.

Ishimori hits Bloody Cross for the pinfall.

WINNERS: The Firing Squad (4 pts)