hiroshi tanahashi
Photo by New Japan Pro-Wrestling/Getty Images

NJPW World Tag League (11/28) Okada & Tanahashi Team In Main Event

SECOND MATCH: World Tag League Tournament Match: Manabu Nakanishi & Yuji Nagata (2 pts) vs. FinJuice (David Finlay & Juice Robinson) (6 pts)

Nagata and Finlay start the match. They lock up. They trade holds. Nagata locks in a side headlock. Nagata hits a shoulder tackle. Nagata attacks Finlay’s arm. Finlay ducks a Yakuza Kick. Juice tags in.

Nagata fights off the double team with a low dropkick. Nakanishi tags in. Juice falls to a double shoulder tackle. Nakanishi corners Juice. Nakanishi tenderizes Juice’s chest. Nakanishi hits a corner lariat. Nakanishi hits a bodyslam. Juice dodges the knee drop. Juice hits a backdrop. Juice hits a standing senton. Finlay tags in.

Finlay hits a running senton. Finlay stomps on Nakanishi. Juice tags in and attacks Nakanishi’s arm.

Finlay tags in and attacks the arm. Juice tags in and attacks the arm. Juice knocks Nagata off the apron. Juice hits a series of forearms. Finlay tags in.

Nakanishi blocks a double bulldog. Nakanishi hits a double northern lights suplex. Nagata tags in.

Nagata punishes Finlay with mid-kicks. Nagata hits a Yakuza Kick. Nagata gets a nearfall.

Finlay counters a suplex. Finlay hits an uppercut. Juice tags in.

Nuice knocks Nakanishi off the apron. Juice hits Nagata with a corner lariat. Nagata ducks a Cannonball. Nakanishi tags in.

Nakanishi pummels Juice. Nakanishi hits a lariat. Nakanishi knocks Finlay off the apron. Juice hits a corner splash. Juice puts Nakanishi on the top rope. Nakanishi blocks the superplex. Finlay and Juice go for a double superplex. Nakanishi sends both men to the canvas. Nakanishi hits a Flying Double Crossbody. Nakanishi and Nagata hit a lariat/Yakuza Kick combo. Nakanishi locks Juice in the Torture Rack. Nagata locks Finlay in the Fujiwara Armbar. Nakanishi hits Juice with a spear. Nagata hits a Yakuza Kick. Nakanishi covers Juice for two.

Nakanishi hits a series of throat thrusts. Juice and Finlay hit a double dropkick. Juice hits a Left Hand Of God. Finlay hits a Stunner. Juice hits Nakanishi with Pulp Friction for the pinfall.

WINNERS: FinJuice (8 pts)