UNDATED: The Fabulous Moolah a professional wrestler looks to strangle her opponent. (Photo by Focus on Sport/Getty Images) *** Local Caption *** The Fabulous Moolah

Wendi Richter Lashes Out At ‘Evil’ Fabulous Moolah & Critiques Today’s Female Wrestlers’ Fashion Choices


More On Moolah

They [WWE] contacted me a long time after that [screwjob] and wanted me to do a battle royal and I said, ‘Is Moolah gonna be in it?’ I wanted to get back at her. She was already dead and gone to hell, so I never got to wrestle her again.


On What She’d Say To Moolah If Given The Chance Today:

I’d probably try to talk to her about the Lord because she sure needed it.


On Her 2010 WWE Hall Of Fame Induction:

They had someone call me and ask me if I would like to be inducted in the Hall of Fame and I said, ‘Yes.’ I deserved it. It’s about damn time. I didn’t tell them that [laughter], but I said, ‘I’ll accept it.’ Why not? I have no hard feelings against them now.


On What The Hall Of Fame Induction Means To Her:

It was one of the highlights of my life probably. I was very nervous when I gave my speech. I’m not nervous to wrestle, but to speak like that and having to stand up by myself without having a commentator, I was pretty nervous and I was hoping I wouldn’t forget what I wanted to say because I was nervous. I was so glad. It was a good feeling. I felt like it was justified and had that not happened to me on November 25, 1985 like it did, I probably wouldn’t have gone to college. I’d probably been wrestling year after year after year and who knows? I was spared from that and brought to another level. I got the Lifetime Achievement Award from the Cauliflower Alley Club and was inducted into the Professional Wrestling Hall of Fame. It seems like another lifetime ago, to be honest with you, but I still love it. I do, but I love what I’m doing now too. I feel blessed that I was able to go to college and it gives me a really good feeling.


On Her Current Relationship With WWE:

I don’t dislike them. I can’t say it’s warm and fuzzy, but I don’t dislike them. I’d work for them again.


On Whether She Feels Appreciated By Today’s WWE Superstars:

I think Natalya did [show appreciation and make contact] once, like right before I was inducted into the Hall of Fame, but that’s the only one. I don’t keep track of people. I figure if they want to talk to me, they’ll call me.


On Today’s Female WWE Superstars:

I’m happy for them. I hope they’re getting paid a lot better than I did because it’s worthwhile. [They’ve] definitely [come a long way]. I wish they would wear more clothes though. I feel like they don’t have to expose themselves to get recognition. They can rely more on talent. I mean, you can still dress sexy, but you know, children are watching. You don’t have to look like a stripper in order to be a wrestler. That’s the only thing; I wish they would dress a little more professionally. It’s good [they’re becoming a big part of wrestling] and it deserves to not be a sideshow. There’s women athletes in every sport. They should get the recognition.


(Transcription Credit: Michael McClead, WrestleZone)


Readers may listen to Sean Mooney’s interview with Wendi Richter in its entirety below:

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