WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (12/17): The McMahon Family Returns To Usher In A New Era, Fallout From TLC, More

Finn Bálor vs Dolph Ziggler

Ziggler locks Bálor in a side headlock. Bálor struggles but can’t escape. Bálor sends Ziggler into the ropes and lands two deep arm drags. Bálor and Ziggler go nose-to-nose. Bálor destroys Ziggler with a dropkick. Ziggler escapes to the outside. After the break, Bálor lands a basement dropkick. Bálor is clutching at his hamstring. Bálor elbows Ziggler in the face. Standing double stomp by Bálor. Bálor tries the sling blade but Ziggler turns it into a roll up.

Bálor kicks out. Ziggler misses the fameasser. Bálor lands the eye of the hurricane. Sling blade by Bálor. Ziggler responds with a DDT. Bálor kicks out. Bálor goes up top. Ziggler knocks Bálor off the top and hits the Zig Zag. Bálor kicks out. Ziggler calls for the Superkick. Drew McIntyre walks down to the ring. Ziggler knees McIntyre. Bálor dives over the top onto McIntyre. Ziggler lands the fameasser. Bálor kicks out. McIntyre hits the ring and clotheslines Bálor to cause the DQ.

Winner- Finn Bálor

After the match, McIntyre Claymore Kicks both Bálor and Ziggler.

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