WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results (1/7)

John Cena, Finn Bálor, and Seth Rollins vs Bobby Lashley, Drew McIntyre, and Dean Ambrose
The match started during the break. Bálor lands a basement dropkick on Ambrose. Ambrose tags in McIntyre lands a chop followed by a deadlift suplex. Bálor kicks out. The heels take turns beating down Bálor. Baálor manages to land the overhead kick on Ambrose. Bálor tags in Cena who goes all “five moves of doom” on Ambrose. After Cena hits the AA, McIntyre blasts him with the Glasgow kiss. After the break, Ambrose is choking Cena in the corner. McIntyre tags in and crushes Cena with a nasty spine buster. Cena kicks out of McIntyre’s jackknife cover. Lashley cheapshots Rollins while Rollins is on the apron. Cena lands a surprise AA. Lashley tags in Ambrose who stops Cena from making the tag.
After the break, Cena and Ambrose clothesline each other. Cena finally tags in Bálor, who clears the ring. Bálor lands a Shotgun dropkick followed by the Coup de Grâs. As soon as Bálor gets to his feet McIntyre Claymore kicks him. Rollins tags in and springboard clotheslines McIntyre. Rollins takes out Lashley with a moonsault to the outside. Rollins calls for the stomp. McIntyre reverses the stomp into a reverse Alabama slam attempt. Before McIntyre can hit it, Cena picks McIntyre up and hits the AA. Lashley spears Cena. Rollins misses a frog splash on Lashley. Ambrose tries a sneak attack but Rollins hits the Stomp for the win!
Winners- John Cena, Finn Bálor, and Seth Rollins
After the match, HHH is shown backstage chatting with Sasha Banks and Bayley. Rollins gets upset and storms backstage.
Rollins finds HHH backstage. Rollins slaps a cup out of Ambrose’s hand. Rollins tells HHH he wants Ambrose and he wants him tonight. HHH give Rollins an IC title shot tonight and it will be a falls count anywhere match.

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