WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results 1/8/19

Backstage, Bryan says people have never seen what he is really capable of. Styles will find out at the Royal Rumble.

Backstage, Shane tells Miz that this isn’t how he wanted this to go down. Shane asks Miz if he really thinks they can win at the Rumble. Miz says yes.

Charlotte Flair vs Becky Lynch vs Carmella 

Flair woos in Lynch’s face. Lynch and Flair punch each other at the same time. Lynch dives off the apron and takes out Carmella. Lynch clotheslines Flair. After the break, Lynch slams Flair off the top rope onto Carmella. Lynch dropkicks Flair and sentons Carmella at the same time. Lynch and Flair get in each other’s face. Flair and Lynch trade strikes. Thez press by Lynch. Carmella tosses Lynch out of the ring. Flair tries to put Carmella in the Figure Eight but Carmella reverses it into the Code of Silence. Lynch breaks it up. Lynch lands a dropkick off the top on Carmella. Flair boots Lynch in the face. Flair lays Lynch and Carmella next to each other. Flair lands a moonsault. Lynch kicks out, then Carmella kicks out. After the break, Carmella breaks up Lynch’s supply attempt.

Carmella tries the Stratusphere but Flair picks Carmella up for a top rope powerbomb. Carmella reverses that into a top rope ranna. Flair misses a top rope moonsault after Carmella lands a suicide dive. Lynch tries to put Carmella in the DisArmHer but Flair dives off the top and hits Natural Selection. Before Flair can get the pin, Carmella superkicks Flair for a near fall. Flair puts Carmella in the Figure Eight. Lynch breaks up the hold and puts Flair in the DisArmHer. Carmella superkicks Lynch. Flair spears Carmella. Lynch puts Carmella in the DisArmHer. Carmella taps out.

Winner and NEW Number One Contender, Becky Lynch!


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