WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results  (1/14)

Backstage, Jinder Mahal makes his case to be in the fatal 4-way match. Mr. MaMahon says Mahal can pick anyone who is in the match tonight and if Mahal beats him he can take their spot.

The Riott Squad vs Natalya, Bayley, and Nikki Cross!!!

Cross begs to start the match. Cross jumps on Logan’s back. Logan tosses Cross down to the mat. Cross lands a dropkick, Morgan tags in and gets dropped as well. The entire Riott Squad gets in the ring. Cross tells Bayley and Natalya to let her play. Cross attacks the entire Riott Squad. Riott tries to crawl into the ring but Cross drags Riott into the ring skirt. Cross beats down Riott as she is trapped between the ring and the ring skirt. After the break, the Riott Squad is taking turns beating down Bayley. Bayley manages to tag in Natalya. Natalya lands a clothesline and a wheelbarrow facebuster for a near fall. Morgan tags in and hits a ranna on Morgan. Natalya and Cross hit a modified top rope Hart Attack clothesline. Cross dives off the apron and crossbody blocks Riott. Cross hits her finish on Morgan. Bayley dives off the top and hits an elbow for the win.

Winners- Natalya, Bayley, and Nikki Cross

Backstage, Ambrose says it’s wrong that he has to defend against two other superstars.

Finn Bálor vs Jinder Mahal

Mahak attacks Bálor before the bell rings. Mahal sends Bálor into the barricade multiple times. The official checks on Bálor before starting the match. Mahal boots Bálor in the face as soon as the bell rings. Bálor kicks out. Mahal lands a few crossface strikes. Mahal tries a sunset flip. Bálor rolls through and hits a basement dropkick. Bálor and Mahal fight on the apron. Mahal trips Bálor. Bálor lands face-first on the apron. After the break, Bálor fires up and sends Mahal out to the floor. Bálor hits a tope. Bálor sends Mahal into the ring. sling blade by Bálor. Bálor shotgun dropkicks Mahal. Bálor crushes Mahal with the Coup de Grâs for the win.

Winner- Finn Bálor

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