WWE RAW Results

WWE RAW Results  (1/14)

Intercontinental Championship Match: Dean Ambrose (c) vs Bobby Lashley w/Lio Rush vs Seth Rollins

Ambrose tries to convince Rollins to work with him. Rollins and Lashley send Ambrose out of the ring. Rollins hits a dive on Lashley. Lashley and Rollins stomp Rollins. Lashley spears Rollins in the corner. Ambrose whips Lashley into Rollins but Rollins moves out of the way. Rollins tries to fire up but Lashley destroys him with a spine buster. Ambrose pushes Lashley out of the ring. Rollins rolls up Ambrose for a near fall. Rollins lands a dive. Rush gets involved. Rollins chases Rush out of the ring. Rollins runs right into another spine buster by Lashley. Ambrose dives off the apron but Lashley catches him. Lashley belly-to-belly suplexes Ambrose.

After the break, Lashley has Rollins in a rear chin look. Rollins escapes. Rollins boots Lashley in the face. Ambrose blast Lashley with a lariat. Ambrose and Rollins go into their old Shield tag team moves. Rollins and Ambrose hit Lashley with the ring steps. Rollins hits a falcon arrow on Ambrose. Rush breaks up the pin. Rollins superkick Ambrose. Lashley sends Rollins to the outside and goes for the pin. Ambrose kicks out. Rollins hits a splash on Lashley. Ambrose throws Rollins out of the ring and tries to pin Lashley. Lashley kicks out. Lashley and Ambrose Doomsday Device Rollins but Rollins lands on his feet. Rush low bridges Rollins. Lashley Spears Ambrose for the win!

Winner and NEW Intercontinental Champion, Bobby Lashley!

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