WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results 1/22/19

Backstage, R-Truth tells Carmella that he can’t wait to win the Royal Rumble and challenge for the WWE Championship. Carmella runs into Flair. Carmella says Flair thinks she can just waltz her way into the Rumble and win it. Flair has never been in the Rumble. Carmella says she is number 30 and she is the gatekeeper. No one is getting past Carmella. Flair says she is going to win.

Samoa Joe vs Mustafa Ali 

Joe punches Ali in the chest. Joe lands a few more strikes before tossing Ali to the outside. Huge chop by Joe. Joe tries to send Ali into the post but Ali hops up to the apron. Ali moonsaults off the second rope onto Joe. Ali sends Joe back into the ring. Joe levels Ali with a chop. Joe misses a splash in the corner. Joe pushes Ali off the top rope. Ali hits his face on the apron. After the break, Joe pounds on Ali in the corner. Running back elbow/falling enziguri by Joe. Ali kicks out. Ali surprises Joe with the rolling x-factor. Joe rolls to the outside. Suicide dive by Ali. Ali dives off the barricade to clothesline Joe. Ali lands multiple superkicks. Ali gets a near fall after a slingshot tornado DDT. Ali drags Joe to the corner. Ali sets up the 054. Joe pulls Ali off the top rope and slaps on the Coquina Clutch. Ali taps out.

Winner- Samoa Joe

Backstage, the New Day is watching footage of Kofi Kingston’s many amazing feats at Royal Rumble. When asked if they will work together during the Rumble. Woods says they are smart enough to realize that when one of them wins they all win. Kingston has a thought and has come up with a new way to avoid his feet touching the ground at the Rumble.

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