WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Results (2/13/19)

Taynara Conti vs Aliyah

Conti trips Aliyah. Aliyah grabs Conti by her hair. Conti puts Aliyah in a rolling armbar. Aliyah gets to the ropes. Aliyah slams Conti down by her hair. Vanessa Borne walks down to ringside to watch the match. Conti whips Aliyah around the ring with judo throw after judo throw. Conti kicks Aliyah in the face. Conti puts Aliyah in a rope hang cross arm breaker. Conti tries to go up top but Borne holds Conti’s foot. Aliyah slams Conti off the top rope. Aliyah puts Conti in a Kimura. Aliyah stomps on the back of Conti’s head while she has Conti’s arm trapped. Conti taps out.

Winner- Aliyah

After the match, Baszler and Co hit the ring and destroy everyone., Baszler grabs a mic and lets everyone in the back know that this is their reality now.

Ricochet vs Adam Cole

Ricochet and Cole lock up. Cole forces Ricochet into the corner. Back elbow by Ricochet. Ricochet and Cole trade punches. Backflip head scissors followed by a dropkick by Ricochet. Cole falls out of the ring. Ricochet lands a top rope suicida. Ricochet goes up top. Cole trips Ricochet. Ricochet’s leg gets caught in the turnbuckle. Cole works over Ricochet’s injured knee. Ricochet backflips out of a back suplex but his knee buckles. Ricochet tries a rolling thunder but his knee gives out yet again. Ricochet hits a vicious lariat. Tiger feint kick by Ricochet.

Ricochet somehow manages to land a standing moonsault for a near fall. Cole kicks Ricochet in his knee. Cole lands an enziguri, followed by the ushigoroshi. Ricochet kicks out again. Northern lights suplex by Ricochet. Ricochet tries to roll through and hit a deadlift suplex. Ricochet’s knee buckles again. Modified ushigoroshi by Cole. Cole superkicks Ricochet in the knee. Ricochet ducks a and hits a reverse ranna. Ricochet hits a one-legged springboard senton. Ricochet and Cole trade strikes. Superkick by Cole. Ricochet kicks out. Ricochet and Cole fight on the top rope. Ricochet hits a one-legged ranna off the top. Northern lights suplex into a deadlift suplex followed by Vertigo by Ricochet. Cole is done.

Winner- Ricochet

After the match, the rest of the Undisputed Era hits the ring and attacks Ricochet. Aleister Black tries to make the save but the numbers are too great. Roderick Strong obliterates Black with the End of Heartache.



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