WWE SmackDown Live Results

WWE SmackDown Live Results (3/19/19)

Sheamus runs over Kingston. Kingston tries Trouble in Paradise but Sheamus catches Kingston’s foot. Kingston escapes and lands a springboard cross body for a near fall. Sheamus lands the Irish curse back breaker. Sheamus puts Kingston in the cloverleaf. Kingston reverses it into a pin. Sheamus kicks out. Sheamus knees Kingston in the jaw. Backstage, the New Day and the Usos are watching the match on a monitor eating pancakes. Sheamus misses the Brogue Kick. Kingston hits Trouble in Paradise for the pinfall.

Sheamus has been eliminated

Cesaro hits Kingston with a roaring European uppercut. Tilt-a-whirl backbreaker by Cesaro. Cesaro swings Kingston. Cesaro transition into the cloverleaf. Ceasro deadlift suplexes Kingston. Kingston reverses the SOS for the pinfall.

Cesaro has been eliminated

Rowan is next. Rowan boots Kingston in the face. Kingston falls to the outside. Rowan lands a nasty clothesline on Rowan. Rowan sends Kingston into the barricade over and over again. Rowan hits Kingston with a steel chair and is disqualified. Rowan puts Kingston in a bearhug. Rowan drives Kingston into the ring post. Rowan Iron Claws Kingston through a table.

Rowan has been eliminated

Samoa Joe is next. Joe lands a back elbow. Kingston fires up but Joe flattens him with a running back elbow follows by an enziguri. Kingston kicks out. Kingston hits the ropes and runs right into a lariat by Joe. Kingston is turned inside out. Kingston kicks out. Joe puts Kingston in the Coquina Clutch. Kingston counters with a jawbreaker. Kingston charges into the corner but Joe destroys him with a uranage. Kingston kicks out again. Kingston double legs Joe. Kingston misses a splash in the corner. Joe sets up the Muscle Buster. Kingston turns it into a roll up for the pin! Samoa Joe puts Kingston in the Coquina Clutch. Kingston passes out.

Samoa Joe has been eliminated


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