Photo by Marc Pfitzenreuter/Getty Images

Braun Strowman Wins Andre The Giant Memorial Battle Royal

As scheduled, the WrestleMania 35 pre-show featured the annual Andre the Giant Memorial Battle Royal. Two of the strangest competitors were “Saturday Night Live” stars Colin Jost and Michael Che. Jost continued being a hilarious heel by wearing an Odell Beckham Jr. jersey in Metlife Stadium. Also featured was a returning Luke Harper, who had been injured.

Immediately after the match began, Jost & Che crawled under the ring. Afterwards, the match was largely a showcase for Braun Strowman, who was in fantastic shape. However, after tossing several stars out of the ring, many stars ganged up on Braun and kept him at bay. Heavy Machinery even teamed up to slam the “Monster Among Men,” who was then thrown out, but not over, the ropes.


Strowman took his time to return, and let many of the wrestlers get eliminated in the meantime. Those that looked impressive were Andrade and Heavy Machinery. Strowman then barreled back in and took out both members of the huge tag team at once. He then eliminated both Ali and Luke Harper after they were in the middle of a suplex. This left Strowman, Andrade, the Hardys, Apollo Crews and the SNL crew .

However, Andrade eliminated himself while getting rid of Crews. Strowman was then battling the Hardys when Jost & Che tried to eliminate him. That didn’t work as Strowman battled out, eliminated the Hardys and found himself head to head against the SNL members. Jost asked for a microphone and then plead for a non-violent solution. He then brought in his therapist to the match, who was promptly destroyed by Strowman with a vicious chokeslam.

Che tried to eliminate himself, but took a slap for his troubles. That left Jost alone. He dodged a big boot and almost eliminated Strowman. However, he didn’t have the strength and then had to pay the price as he was tossed outside into a crowd of wrestlers.

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