WWE NXT Live Results
Photo Credit / Layout: Bill Pritchard

WWE NXT Live Results (4/10/19)

After NXT TakeOver: New York, Shayna Bazsler says she will never lose the NXT Women’s Championship.

When asked how he feels about losing the NXT UK Championship, Pete Dunne simply says there will be a rematch and walks away.

After NXT TakeOver: New York, Adam Cole yells at the rest of the Undisputed Era. Cole tells the cameraman to leave.

The Street Profits vs. Fabian Achiner and Marcel Barthel

Ford flips over Achiner and Barthel and eventually hits a dropkick to take them both out. Ford tries a leapfrog but Barthel catches him with a kick. Achiner tags in and suplexes Ford. Barthel and Achiner cut the ring in half and take turns beating down Ford. Ford manages to tag in Dawkins. Dawkins clears the ring. Dawkins hits the spinning clothesline in the corner. Ford goes up top but Achiner pushes Ford off the top. Ford eats duel basement dropkicks by Barthel and Achiner. Barthel hits a suicide dive on Dawkins as Achiner hits the double jump springboard moonsault on Ford. Ford kicks out. Ford avoids Barthel’s roaring European uppercut. Dawking spears Achiner. Ford and Dawkins hit the Doomsday Blockbuster for the win!

Winners- The Street Profits


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