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Photo By Russell Turiak/Getty Images

Earl Hebner: Montreal Screwjob Was A Work, Bret Hart Knew What Was Going To Happen

After VICE’s documentary series, everyone is once again talking about the Montreal Screwjob. SiriusXM’s Busted Open had referee Earl Hebner on their show today, and he gave his current opinion, which goes against what he had previously said.

“I’ve had my thoughts off and on for 18-19 years and I think both of them knew to be honest with you,” said Hebner. “Why would you let a man put you in your own finish?” When asked if he thought Bret Hart was in on it, Hebner further clarified. “Yeah, I really do. I’m not gonna lie about it anymore. I was trying to protect Bret.”

Hebner then went on to state that his brother Dave Hebner knew what was going to happen as he told him “15 seconds before I went to the ring.” He then discussed the aftermath as he had went back to his hotel and blocked the door with furniture in case anyone had tried to break in and murder him.

Listen to the full clip below:

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