major league wrestling mlw

MLW Fusion Results (4/27/19)

MLW Fusion Results
Aired April 27, 2019
Report by Colin Tessier for

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The show begins with Alexander Hammerstone talking to Richard Holliday before the two of them find MJF’s trashed car in the parking lot. Rich Bocchini reveals that MLW will be crown a National Openweight Champion on June 1.

Jordan Oliver vs. Kotto Brazil

Brazil gains some momentum with a series of kicks and sends Oliver to the outside. Oliver dodges a dive to the outside and Brazil goes crashing into the steel ring post. Oliver gains the upper hand and grounds Brazil. Two clotheslines give Brazil the momentum again and he hits a diving blockbuster. A frog splash gets him a near fall. Salina de la Renta and Ricky Martinez come to ringside to distract Brazil but he keeps fighting. Brazil takes Martinez down with a dive to the outside. Oliver capitalizes on the distraction with a diving cutter for the win.

Winner: Jordan Oliver

Bocchini reveals that WXW’s Avalanche has signed with MLW and he will receive a MLW World Heavyweight Championship match.

In a backstage video, Holliday and MJF attack Brian Pillman Jr.

Rey Horus vs. Ace Austin

Austin and Horus try to use their technical skills to gain the upper hand. The two use their fast-paced offenses to keep the match at a stalemate. Austin refuses to shake Horus’ hand and stomps away at him in the corner. A hard kick to the head sends Horus sprawling to the floor. Austin grounds Horus and wears him down with a headlock. Austin tries to take Horus’ mask off and he temporarily succeeds. Horus takes Austin down with an arm drag and a dive to the outside. Horus hits a Spanish Fly for a near fall. Horus nails a inverted top rope hurricanrana for the win.

Winner: Rey Horus



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