bray wyatt
(Photo by Gilbert Carrasquillo/Getty Images)

Makeup Artist Discusses Vision Behind Bray Wyatt’s Firefly Fun House

Earlier today, SIriusXM’s Busted Open radio spoke to Jason Baker – a makeup artist and special effects artist – about his role in helping shape the recent Firefly Fun House vision that has shaped the changing of Bray Wyatt’s character.

Speaking to the radio duo, Baker gave a majority of the credit to Wyatt, but also noted how much of a team effort the entire thing was. “He’s the brainchild, man. I can’t sit here and be like ‘man, I did everything.’ No, it was a group effort. I’d wake up and go to sleep with text messages from him, just spitballing ideas back and forth with each other,” he said. “We all just kind of brought our own two cents to everything, and I think that’s why it was a success.”

As Baker describes it, it was a true team effort between everyone involved in the vision, but credits the “baby” of it to Bray. “He was the brainchild at the center of all of it. It was his baby.” With Wyatt’s character slowly coming together, it’ll be interesting to see when he makes the leap back into the ring, and just how it goes.

RELATED: Bully Ray: Bray Wyatt Should Terrorize WWE Roster Like Freddy Krueger


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